Snap-In Implant Dentures
Brentwood, TN

Combines the great looks of your dentures, with the stability and function you need.

bottom snap in implant denture unsnapped and snapped

What Are Snap-In Implant Dentures?

bottom snap in implant denture unsnapped and snapped
Snap-In Implant Dentures are similar to dentures, but come with special fittings that allow them to attach, or “snap-in” to the dental implants our doctor places.

Anchoring your dentures with dental implants allows you to:

  • Enjoy your favorite foods | By securing your denture with dental implants, you’re able to chew with much greater power and confidence.
  • Taste your food better | Some patients with implants can have part of their upper denture’s palate removed. This allows you to taste your food better.
  • Receive better nutrition | Ability to eat a wider variety of food and to chew your food much easier.
  • Speak confidently | Speak in front of crowds or amongst friends and family with confidence knowing that your teeth are firmly secure.
  • Smile and laugh without worrying about your dentures falling out.
  • Live more comfortably | Less movement, rubbing, and chafing than traditional dentures.
  • Reduce or eliminate gagging | In many cases, a portion of the top palate can be removed, exposing the roof of the mouth. This can reduce or eliminate gagging caused by your denture.
  • Reduce bone loss | Extracted teeth and traditional dentures can contribute to bone loss, but dental implants provide jaw stimulation which encourages your body to continue to produce bone.

am i a candidate?

Most patients are candidates for Snap-In Implant Dentures!

We’ll just need to see you for a quick consultation to know for certain. During your FREE Consultation, we’ll take a 3D scan of your jaw, our doctor will perform an oral examination of your mouth, and they will review your medical history with you.

How Many Implants Will I Need?

  • Upper | An upper implant denture will require at least 4 implants.
  • Lower | A lower implant denture will require at least 2 implants, although 3 or 4 typically provide improved retention and stability.

snap in implant dentures vs. traditional dentures

While traditional dentures typically look nice and are usually the most cost-effective way to replace failing or missing teeth, they can leave a lot to be desired in terms of function, stability, and chewing ability.

Here are some shortfalls of traditional (non-implant) dentures:

  • Limited chewing power due to movement of your lower denture. Chewing power can be limited to only 10-20% of what a person had with natural teeth.
  • Instability | The movements of your tongue and cheeks continually push and pull on the lower denture causing it to remain unstable.
  • Speech can be difficult due to the movement of the lower denture.
  • Embarrassment caused by difficulty eating in public or laughing loudly due to fear of your dentures falling out.
  • Discomfort | Traditional dentures, especially lowers, can rub and chafe the gums causing irritation.
  • Poor nutrition | Patients may be unable to eat a balanced diet or chew food sufficiently for proper digestion.
  • Bone loss | After your teeth are removed, the process of losing bone will continue for the remainder of your life. This means that traditional dentures become more difficult to wear over time.
  • Gagging | A traditional upper denture will cover the roof of your mouth, providing suction and stability. Unfortunately, for many people, this can cause gagging.

Snap-In Implant Dentures help improve or eliminate all of these issues.

Full-Mouth Implants vs. Traditional Dentures

full mouth dental implant options vs traditional dentures

Life-Changing Results

Real smiles from actual patients

Before and after dental implants in Brentwood, TN at Jolly & Morton Advanced Dentistry
Before and after dental implants in Brentwood, TN at Jolly & Morton Advanced Dentistry
Before and after dental implants in Brentwood, TN at Jolly & Morton Advanced Dentistry
Before and after dental implants in Brentwood, TN at Jolly & Morton Advanced Dentistry
Before and after dental implants in Brentwood, TN at Jolly & Morton Advanced Dentistry
Before and after dental implants in Brentwood, TN at Jolly & Morton Advanced Dentistry

Snap-In Implant Dentures Cost

This pricing is the lowest in the area while also providing the best final result. We are able to achieve this by having a highly experienced dentist who performs the entire procedure from start to finish along with a highly trained in-house dental lab technician. They have performed this procedure from start to finish together countless times.

4 Implant


Starting at


Replaces all of your bottom teeth with a secure denture held in by 4 dental implants.

This price includes 4 dental implants, abutments, snaps, and the snap-in denture. It does not include the price of extraction.

Available Financing & Payment Options

Dental Implants are an important investment in yourself. Having the option to break this investment down into monthly payments can help make these life-changing services more accessible and easier to fit into your budget. We work with a variety of financing providers that offer payment plans to cover either all or part of your dental implant procedure. This is a great option for all patients, especially those who are on a fixed income. With these flexible financing options, you can enjoy the benefits of a healthy, beautiful smile without breaking the bank.

Contact us to learn more about our financing options and schedule your FREE Consultation with Dr. Morton today!

Frequently Asked Questions

Snap-In Implant Dentures Brentwood, TN

How many implants will I need?

An upper Snap-In Denture requires at least 4 implants. A lower Snap-In Denture requires at least 2 implants. The more implants you have, the more stable your Snap-In Denture will generally be. This is especially true with the lower denture. 3 or 4 implants in the lower denture is usually much better than 2.

In many cases, yes! We’ll just need to see you for a consultation, during which we will do a 3D CBCT scan of your jaw to see if you have enough bone to support dental implants.

At Jolly & Morton Advanced Dentistry, our price for Snap-In Implant Dentures starts at $11,499 for a 4-implant lower denture.

No, we want to allow time for your implants to integrate with your jawbone. This is what makes your implants truly stable and will help ensure you enjoy many years to decades of use out of them. We typically wait between 4 and 6 months before attaching to your Snap-In Denture.

After a Snap-In Implant Denture procedure, it is common to experience some degree of discomfort or pain. The level of pain can vary depending on individual factors such as pain tolerance, the complexity of the procedure, and the body’s healing response. Typically, the first 48 hours after the procedure is when you will experience the most discomfort. However, the pain is typically manageable and should subside over time as the healing progresses.

Yes! We offer a couple options for sedation depending on what is the right fit for you:

Oral Conscious Sedation involves a prescription for sedative pills that are prescribed to you by our doctor. Sedative medication is typically given the night before to help you sleep, as well as the morning of your procedure to ensure your comfort throughout the procedure.

IV Sedation involves the intravenous administration of sedatives in order to put you in a diminished state of consciousness throughout the entire procedure. This also has other benefits for reducing post-operative swelling and pain.

Yes, Snap-In Implant Dentures are much more secure than dentures and don’t require any adhesive! We are also able to increase the retention with stronger inserts if you prefer a tighter fit.

It depends on your specific case and where we’re able to place the implants. Ideally, if we’re able to spread the implants out, we might be able to remove a portion of the palate in a Snap-In Denture. With our All-On-4 procedure, we can guarantee the ability to remove the palate, but that’s not always the case with Snap-In Implant Dentures.

Removing the top palate increases the ability to taste for many patients, and also increases hot and cold sensitivity, making for a more natural experience. For patients with a severe gag reflex, removing the palate of the denture can help provide additional relief.

Typically 1-2 times per year, but this will depend on a number of factors so our doctor will be able to tell you a more precise answer for your unique case.

WARNING: PLEASE DO NOT BITE YOUR DENTURES INTO PLACE ON YOUR IMPLANTS! This will wear out your inserts much faster. You should always secure your implant dentures by hand.

Alveoplasty is a procedure where our doctor contours your jawbone. This procedure may be recommended to improve the fit and comfort of your dentures.

Tori are bony knots that develop in the mouth of many patients. They are not harmful, however, they can prevent your denture(s) from fitting comfortably, so our doctor may recommend having them removed.

Drooling occurs when a foreign body stimulates the saliva response. This is designed to aid in the breakdown of food when you are chewing. A new denture will mimic that response but don’t worry, your body will adapt and you will return to a normal saliva response in a few days.

Bleeding after the Snap-In Denture procedure is normal and expected during the immediate post-operative period. The duration and amount of bleeding can vary from person to person, but typically it should subside within the first 24 to 48 hours after the surgery.

If you notice that bleeding persists beyond the expected timeframe or if you experience severe or uncontrollable bleeding, it’s important to contact our office immediately. We can evaluate your situation and provide appropriate guidance or interventions to address the issue.

We do not currently offer zirconia implants. Titanium implants have been around for decades with a long track record of success, but unfortunately, zirconia implants are still very new to the market, so we do not know what their success will be like long-term. We always strive for the most successful and predictable long-term results, and for these reasons, we do not offer zirconia dental implants at this time.

Yes, any oral prosthetic will get some amount of food underneath it. The great thing about Snap-In Implant Dentures is how easy they are to clean. Just take them out, clean your denture, gums, and implants, and snap them back in!

Generally, 4-7 days is sufficient. With that said, there is always the chance of bruising and swelling, and you’ll need to get used to eating and speaking with your new teeth. The longer you can take off the better.

A soft liner is a cushion we place inside your denture to help it fit and feel better as your mouth heals and changes shape after your extractions.

Deciding to undergo any dental procedure, including the Snap-In Denture procedure, is a personal choice that depends on various factors, including your oral health, specific dental needs, and your dentist’s recommendation. While age can be a consideration, it is not the sole determining factor for determining suitability for the procedure.

The Snap-In Denture procedure is typically recommended for individuals who have multiple missing teeth, severely damaged teeth, or significant tooth loss. It is designed to provide a secure and functional set of teeth supported by dental implants. The decision to proceed with the Snap-In Denture procedure is usually based on factors such as overall oral health, bone density, and individual circumstances.

If you feel like you are too young for the procedure, it is important to discuss your concerns with your dentist. They will evaluate your specific situation, assess your oral health, and discuss the available treatment options with you. They can provide insights into the benefits, risks, and long-term considerations associated with the procedure, taking into account your age and individual circumstances.

Remember that age alone does not determine eligibility for the Snap-In Denture procedure. It is important to have a comprehensive evaluation and discussion with your dental professional to determine the most appropriate treatment plan for your specific needs and goals. They can address any concerns you may have and help you make an informed decision about your dental care.

Preparing for your recovery after a Snap-In Implant Denture procedure can help ensure a smoother healing process. Here are some items you may want to have ready:

  1. Prescription medications | If our dentist has prescribed any medications, such as antibiotics or anti-inflammatory drugs, be sure to have them filled and ready to use as instructed.
  2. Ice packs | Cold packs or ice packs can help reduce swelling and alleviate discomfort in the immediate post-operative period. Have a few ice packs ready in your freezer to use as needed.
  3. Soft and nutritious foods | Plan and stock up on soft, nutritious foods that are easy to eat during the initial healing period. Examples include soups, smoothies, mashed potatoes, yogurt, oatmeal, and soft fruits. Avoid hot or spicy foods that could irritate the surgical sites.
  4. Oral hygiene supplies | Follow our dentist’s instructions on oral hygiene practices after your procedure. Make sure you have a soft-bristled toothbrush, gentle mouthwash (if recommended), and any prescribed oral rinses or gels. Our dentist may also advise on a specific technique or schedule for oral care.
  5. Saltwater rinse ingredients | Prepare the ingredients for a saltwater rinse, which can aid in keeping the surgical sites clean and promote healing. Mix 1/2 teaspoon of salt with 8 ounces of warm water. Have a supply of this solution ready for use, as recommended by our dentist.
  6. Gauze pads or sterile cotton balls | Our dentist will provide sterile gauze pads to control bleeding and protect the surgical sites. Ensure you have an adequate supply on hand.
  7. Over-the-counter pain relievers | In consultation with our dentist, you may consider having over-the-counter pain relievers like ibuprofen or acetaminophen available to manage any discomfort during the healing process.
  8. Entertainment and comfort items | During the initial recovery period, you may be resting at home. Have some books, magazines, movies, or other forms of entertainment available to keep you occupied. Comfort items like extra pillows and blankets can also help enhance your comfort.

Snap-in dentures are very similar to the function of natural teeth, but they will feel different when you chew. This really only applies to somebody that was not wearing a denture prior to the procedure. So we recommend that you use them as if they were natural teeth. The only limitation that you may run into is biting excessive force on the front of the denture may cause the back part of the denture to dislodge.

After the Snap-In Denture procedure is complete, you may need some time to adjust to and learn how to use your new teeth properly. While the process of adapting to the new teeth varies from person to person, here are some general considerations:

  1. Immediate adjustment | It’s common to feel a sense of novelty and difference when you first receive your new teeth. The size, shape, and position of the prosthetic teeth may feel different in your mouth compared to your natural teeth. Initially, you may need to consciously make adjustments to your bite and chewing patterns to accommodate the changes.
  2. Speech adaptation | Your speech may be affected temporarily after the surgery and the placement of the Snap-In Denture. Certain sounds or pronunciations may require practice and adjustments as your tongue and oral muscles adapt to the new teeth. Regular speaking and practicing in different situations can help you regain clarity in your speech.
  3. Eating and chewing | Eating with your new teeth may require some adjustments as well. In the beginning, it’s advisable to start with a soft diet and gradually introduce firmer foods as you gain confidence and comfort. Chewing patterns may need to be modified initially, and it can take some time to develop a natural and efficient way of chewing with Snap-In Dentures.
  4. Follow-up visits and guidance | Our dentist will provide you with specific instructions on how to care for and use your new teeth. We will guide you on proper oral hygiene practices, dietary restrictions, and any necessary adjustments to ensure optimal function and comfort. Regular follow-up visits will let us assess your progress and provide additional guidance as needed.

Remember that each person’s experience and adaptation process can vary. With time, practice, and patience, you should become increasingly comfortable and proficient with using your new teeth. If you have any concerns or difficulties, do not hesitate to reach out to our office.

After receiving new teeth through a Snap-In Denture procedure, it may take some time to adjust and become comfortable speaking with them. While each person’s experience may vary, here are some general considerations:

  1. Initial adaptation | Initially, you may notice a difference in the way you speak with the new teeth. The shape, size, and position of the prosthetic teeth may feel different in your mouth compared to your natural teeth, which can temporarily affect your speech.
  2. Tongue and muscle adjustment | Your tongue and oral muscles need to adapt to the presence of the new teeth. This can involve relearning the placement and movement of your tongue during speech to achieve clear pronunciation. It may take some practice and conscious effort to regain your normal speech patterns.
  3. Articulation and clarity | Different sounds and phonetics may require adjustments as you become accustomed to the new teeth. You might find certain sounds more challenging initially, but with time and practice, you should be able to articulate and pronounce words clearly.
  4. Professional guidance and practice | Our dentist can provide guidance and exercises to help you with speech adaptation. They can offer specific techniques to improve clarity and assist you in regaining your natural speaking abilities. Regular practice and patience are key to overcoming any initial speech challenges.

The adaptation period will vary from person to person. Some individuals may adjust relatively quickly, while others may require more time and effort. As you continue to use your new teeth for speaking and engage in normal conversations, you should gradually regain confidence and improve your speech.

Some patients may experience very slight rocking. For patients who have 2 lower implants, these must be placed in the front of the jaw, making it possible for some rocking to occur. A dab of adhesive at the back on each side of the lower denture will usually take care of this. Placing 4 implants on your bottom Snap-in Denture will significantly help prevent rocking.

In this case, you should consider the All-On-4 procedure. Not all candidates for Snap-In Dentures will also be candidates to have the top palate removed.

Yes. Having removable implant dentures makes cleaning them very easy. Just take them out, clean your denture, gums, and implants, and snap them back in!

Yes, implants can fail and there are many factors that influence a failure. Infection, hygiene, medical conditions, smoking, diabetes, and neighboring tooth infection can all be major risk factors that contribute to an implant failing. It is recommended that you follow our post operative instructions to ensure that you do everything in your power to have a successful implant therapy.

Snaps | Periodically, you’ll need to swap out the snap rings in your Snap-In Implant Dentures. These will wear and lose retention over time and as you take your teeth in and out. They’re quick and affordable to change.

Cleanings | Just like natural teeth, you’ll need to have your Snap-In Dentures cleaned periodically. Any buildup on your Snap-In Denture teeth will be removed and your dentures will be cleaned.

Periodic Re-Fittings | Your mouth will slowly change over time, so your Snap-In Dentures will need to be re-fitted to ensure their best performance and ensure that unnecessary stress isn’t being put on your implants.

Home Maintenance | This only takes a few minutes each day. Take your Snap-In Dentures out 1-2 times per day and brush them with a denture brush or very soft bristled toothbrush. Also, don’t forget to clean your implants – you’ll want to scrub these with a very soft dental brush.

Snap-In Implant Dentures Procedure Timeline

The process typically takes around 6 months from start to finish.

Once your remaining teeth are removed and any other necessary oral surgery procedures are performed, the dental implants are placed into your jawbone. After this, the implants are typically not visible from the surface. They will remain in your jawbone untouched for at least 4 months while your bone attaches to them during a process called osseointegration.
Post Op
We’ll see you back for a quick post-operative appointment, which is usually scheduled the day after your procedure. During this appointment, we’ll evaluate your mouth, ensure that your dentures are fitting comfortably, and answer any questions you may have.
Post Op
Soft Liners / Soft Re-Fittings
Soft liners are small cushions that we periodically place in your denture as you heal. They fill in the spaces between your gums and dentures, and give your gums some cushioning to help your dentures fit and feel better.
Soft Liners / Soft Re-Fittings
This is a small surgical procedure where we re-expose your implants and place small healing abutments on top of them to properly shape your gum tissue and prepare your mouth for your final Snap-In Dentures.
Attachment of Implants to Dentures
We will change out your healing abutments for your denture abutments and perform the steps necessary to attach your Snap-In Dentures to your implants. This step can usually be done in one day.
Attachment of Implants to Dentures